martes, 27 de mayo de 2008

Blow off steam of hormonal companies

Yes people, hormonal companies do exist. What is this type of company? it is simple to identify them: companies that indulge to their employees caprices to an extent that seems ridiculous. There is nothing wrong with making everybody feel like they are part of a team but do you honestly believe this will be achieved by a pep talk that was clearly held to pretend to give everyone a place?

In my opinion whenever a company wants to recognize the effort of those who deserve it, you don't congratulate or invite the whole lot you simply single out those who were involved and congratulate them. If I didn't participate in a team that achieved something I honestly don't expect to be congratulated, further more if I am congratulated I would think that that is hypocritical. Those who did make an effort would think that still they are not being recognized so what's the point of going the extra mile?

When a company holds all this theatrical scene it only shows (to me) how easy it is to handle and how there is no real leadership behind it. How or why would anyone expect me to fight for a project or a cause when I know someone would simply tilt the head of the leader to wherever he or she would like at the end?

Hormonal companies people, they get PMS, they get blue and at the end of the day don't function as a team effort, they function out of inertia without any human valuable input behind it.

Blowing off steam from your job

This second entry refers to jobs. OK so who's had a frustrating job before? ok ok hands down. The truth is we all have been caught up in some kind of horrible stressing job that on top of all we hate. Due to the particular circumstances sometimes we can just walk out of it but a very often we can't and we feel tied down to it for the rest of our lives! Call it the difficulty of finding some other job or the different commitments (usually involving money) that we might have either way we are stucked.

Right now I find myself in a job I just HATE and the reasons for not leaving are a combination of economics, difficulty finding something cool and the fact I don't hold my law degree just yet. Something I find excruciating is the fact that some of my co-workers just don't want to do their jobs. Example: I have to go pay some fine the government imposed to the company and I need it in cash, the guy managing the cash for the day to day activities complains about it and gives me a hard time; why do I have to take his frustration? I come back to my cubicle upset and frustrated that something so simple he turned it into third world war. It's very complicated sometimes to coexist with people so different to you especially when this results in confrontation.

Two things here: If you happen to have a co-worker like mine that complains about doing what he or she is supposed to do just ignore them, whenever you know you'll have to deal with them just prepare yourself mentally, block their agressions and go there (always prepared for the worst). If they just push your buttons so hard you would like to shout at them remember not to engage and instead come in here and blow off some steam.

The steamer pot goes into business

After going back and forth in different bloging platforms (I wanted to try something different to blogger) I decided I was going to stop all that and just stick to what I knew and start the steamer pot.
The purpose of this blog is to blow off steam of the things that happen to us in our daily lives. Whenever something irritating goes on sometimes we are just unable to cope with it and start screaming about it (either internally or externally) and it can turn out to have serious consequences. Imaging blowing up in front of your boss! so that's the reason behind the steamer pot.
This is a work in progress and any commentand suggestion is very well received.
Let The Steamer Pot begin!